
Friday, February 1, 2013

Brand Imaginarium: Rekindling the Art of Marketing Seduction

How can brand marketers brush up on their laws of attraction?

It’s nothing new to compare marketing to an alluring dance – to look into your target’s mind and charm them through tactful seduction.
Throughout the dance, you strive to understand each other. You communicate through gestures, through dance movement, through eye contact, maybe whispers. You invite them to look into your eyes – the window to your soul...

Brand managers at corporations spend countless hours creating and protecting their identity. They put together communications guidelines to ensure the image of the firm is standardized and well-monitored at its best. These guidelines do a great job managing brand attributes in the physical world – characteristics which consumers can experience and interact with. The brand itself, however, is intangible; it is what people think and feel of a firm (or a product, or a celebrity, or a country). It is objective. It exists in the minds of the consumers.

Brand managers know that the minds of consumers like to wander, to dream, to imagine; because imagination nourishes the soul and the land of dreams is a land of free thoughts. A brand with great vision invites its audience to dream with them and envision the future. Great brands are magical. They remove you from this world, even for a brief second. They take you to an imaginary land, and make you see the world with different lenses. Harry Potter is an example of such brand. You feel a little upset knowing you’re just an ordinary muggle. You wish witches and wizards were real, you want to visit Hogwarts, you whisper lumos in the dark. McDonald’s is everybody’s friend. You don’t go there for a healthy meal. You go there to seek comfort and you are almost confident that McDonald’s brings you happiness... maybe it is happiness.

When brand management and augmented reality (AR) cross paths, they fall in love and magic happens.

THE IDEA MUG advocates for the creative use of new technology. We believe AR drives imagination. It is a tool that instills magic and invites people to engage with brands. Merchlar (father of THE IDEA MUG) specializes in augmented reality and supports clients’ needs through interactive mobile technology. This way we can choreograph an extravagantly romantic dance of seduction and design a temptation that consumers won’t resist. The power to drive imagination is the next stepping stone of brand experience design. In an era where time is the most valuable commodity, getting people to engage with your brand is the ultimate sign of success.

Special thanks to Soydanbay for the inspiration. 


  1. Brands are also faced with new challenges and need to adapt with the times.

  2. True say. People nowadays are granted with new technology and new media to trigger their imagination. It allows you to create another reality in your mind and experience. Because of that, it is becoming more challenging to get into the heads of your consumers and create a brand experience that can truly relate with them.

    Thank you for your comment!
